
Showing posts from February, 2022

New weapon against cancer

  World Cancer Day is celebrated on 4 February. In such a situation, it is important to know what new discoveries are being made by scientists around the world to fight this disease. In a recent report published in the journal Nature, British scientists have given preliminary results of a unique discovery. They are developing a test especially for women, with the help of which 4 types of cancer can be screened at the same time. Which 4 cancers will be detected through the test? Ovarian cancer is one of the gynecological cancers that causes the highest number of deaths in the world. Ovarian cancer is detected in the late stage in 75% of cases, but by then the tumor has spread. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Breast cancer accounts for 27% of the total cancer cases in women in India. Due to lack of awareness, its cases are continuously increasing. Its symptoms are also being found in girls under the age of some time. Every minute around the world, a woman is diagnosed w

Experts claim – pandemic made memory slow

  Have you been having trouble remembering dates, numbers and everyday tasks for some time now? If your answer is yes then you are not alone. In the last two years, the corona pandemic has weakened the memory of all of us. Experts believe that due to this, the problem of not being able to focus and forgetting important information is increasing in people. We got used to not remembering anything in the pandemic Speaking to CNN, Amir Humayun Jawadi, Senior Lecturer of Psychology at the University of Kent, UK, told that humans have a habit of adapting to situations. Since people haven't planned much in life for the last two years, they have become used to not doing these things now. People have learned to live this kind of life. This has had a negative effect on their memory and ability to concentrate. According to Michael Yassa, professor of neurobiology at the University of California, memory does not mean simply taking a photo and remembering it. Memory is made by living a moment.